Middle School Boys Lacrosse in the Spring - Information & Sign Ups

Middle School Sports (Lacrosse only still open for sign-up) in the Spring -  Information & Sign Ups

The MS sports offered in the Spring are:  Girls Soccer, Boys Lacrosse and Co-Ed Cross Country.  All Middle School students (6-8) planning on participating in one of these sports, must fill out the online sign up (follow the links below) in addition to registering for these teams during the academic registration process. The information gathered in the on line sign ups will allow us to communicate more effectively as we get closer to the start of the season about final game and practice schedules. ** Signups still open for Boys 5th/6th grade and 7th/8th grade Lacrosse ONLY**

MS Spring Sports

Girls Soccer                                         Boys Lacrosse                                   
(March 19th  to May 15th)                     (3rd week of March to Early June )
A team (7th & 8th graders)                    Thunder team ( 5th & 6th graders)     
B team (6th & 7th graders)                    Juniors team (7th  & 8th graders)

Co-Ed Cross Country - (March 19th to May 15th) 6th, 7th & 8th Graders                                  

MS Boys Lacrosse Sign Up Form                 MS Girls Soccer Sign Up Form


MS Co-Ed Cross Country Sign Up Form



Some important additional information:

The primary means of communication for the athletics department will be through the Ravens Athletic Website:  This website can also be accessed through the Waterford website: (click on Ravens Athletic Website found at top right of the webpage).

If the total number of interested participants is too high a tryout will be held.  Tryout (if needed) dates/time/location will be posted online and emailed to those involved.

Occasionally the kids will be excused early from school to allow proper travel times to away games.  This usually means they will miss their last period class.  Parents, kids and teachers will be informed well in advance of the games.  Parents are responsible for all transportation.

There will be a pre-season parent/coaches meeting held for each sport.  Dates/times will be posted online.

Summer camps are available for those interested in getting very good coaching and teaching of the skills and rules of each sport.  Please see the Waterford website for more information.

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