US Volleyball Fast Facts 2011

Volleyball Fact Sheet

Thank you for your interest in Volleyball. I’m excited for the coming season and look forward to working with you. Volleyball in Upper School differs from the Middle School program in significant ways so please study this Fact Sheet carefully. If you have questions or concerns, feel free to contact me.

Three very important items:

We begin practices and games before the start of the school year. This year, Monday, August 8, has been designated by the High School Activities Association as the starting date for volleyball. Our practices begin on that day and continue daily (with exceptions noted in the schedule below) through the start of the school year. If you want to participate on a volleyball team you must attend these practices. (Exceptions are made for participation in Freshmen Interim trips.)

During the school year, practices are held after school. On non-game school days we practice from 3:30pm until 5:00pm.

Games are played in the evening (usually 4:30pm - Freshmen, 5:45pm - JV and 7pm - Varsity) and sometimes involve traveling significant distances. Players’ transportation to and from these away games will be provided by the school (usually Le Bus). Parents, family and friends will need to arrange their own transportation to away games.

We need you! Participation in competitive athletics can be an exciting and important part of your Upper School experience. So please join us in the fall.

Contact Information:

Head Coach:     Steve Manning
    801.816.2236 (office)
    801.608.4602 (cell)

Asst Coach:    Elyse D’Astous
    801.440.3063 (cell)

Summer Practice Schedule:

Mon, Aug 8, and Tue, Aug 9, 9am - 12noon
Wed, Aug 10, through Fri, Aug 12, 9am - 11:30am & 1pm - 3pm
Mon, Aug 15 through Wed, Aug 17, 9am - 12noon
Mon-Wed-Fri, Aug 22 - 31, 9am - 12noon

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